Gaining Ground Farm
Gaining Ground Farm, nestled in the rolling hills of Leicester, NC, is owned and operated by Farmers Aaron and Anne Grier. With a herd of Red Devon cattle, a Jersey milk cow, a flock of chickens, and acres of vegetable-growing bottom-land, this farm is a true gem in the heart of Appalachia.
The Griers are passionate about producing healthy, sustainably-grown food for their community. Their cattle graze on mixed forage pasture, and their vegetables are grown in soil fed by green manure and composted chicken manure - no chemicals or synthetic sprays allowed! The couple believes that good soil fertility, wild borders, and crop diversity are the perfect recipe for growing healthy vegetables.
Aaron and Anne's love for the land and farming began at a young age. Aaron worked at Ramsey Dairy in Fairview after high school and managed a natural meats farm in Madison County before meeting Anne. Anne grew up on a beef farm in southwest Virginia and learned to grow vegetables in her early years. Together, they are raising their family and producing delicious, nutritious vegetables on 12 acres of land.
Gaining Ground Farm's produce is sold at local tailgate markets and to restaurants in the Asheville area, where it is enjoyed by many. At Well Seasoned Table, we are thrilled to collaborate with the Griers and support their efforts to produce healthy, sustainable food for their Appalachian community. From the best-selling Magic Garlic Dust to the WST house grinder, you’ll find their garlic, onions, and peppers in many of our products.